Root canal therapy in Needham is often vilified. Many people claim that it is painful, unsafe, or overly expensive. However, it is actually good news! This blog post delves into the reasons why root canal therapy is actually something to look forward to if you have a damaged or infected tooth.
Root Canal Therapy Can End Your Pain
Contrary to popular depictions in the media, root canal therapy is not painful. In fact, you should feel little to nothing while your dental team is working on your smile. Afterward, some soreness is normal, but it is mild for most patients.
More important, root canal therapy involves removing the nerve from inside a tooth. Prior to the procedure, that nerve may have been sending very strong pain signals to your brain. Once it is gone, your toothache should be nothing but an unpleasant memory.
Root Canal Therapy Is Safe and Effective
Root canal therapy is consistently successful, with more than 90% of cases enjoying a positive outcome. Many patients enjoy a lifetime of reliable function from their treated tooth.
It is also important to keep in mind that the procedure is quite safe. While, like any medical treatment, it involves a small amount of risk, it is highly unlikely to cause any severe complications. Any rumors you may have heard about it causing illness, cancer, or other issues are simply not based on a modern scientific understanding of how the human body works. In fact, those myths come from poorly conducted research that occurred roughly 100 years ago!
Root Canal Therapy Allows You to Keep Your Tooth
Some people claim that removing an infected tooth is preferrable to undergoing root canal treatment. The opposite is true. Even a single missing tooth can lead to significant problems. For example, nearby teeth may drift out of place, leading to a misaligned bite. The risk of future tooth loss is also heightened. Root canal therapy can allow you to avoid those issues by keeping your natural tooth right where it belongs.
Root Canal Therapy Can Help You Save Money
If you get a tooth extracted, you should certainly replace it as soon as possible. Doing so will keep your smile looking good and reduce your risk of future oral health problems. However, tooth replacement can be pricy, especially if you opt to get a dental implant (which is superior in many ways to a regular bridge). Therefore, although root canal therapy costs more upfront than an extraction, it is actually a better long-term monetary value.
The benefits of root canals in Needham far outweigh any downsides. If your dentist informs you that you need this treatment, you have every reason to look forward to a positive outcome.
Meet the Practice
The experienced, compassionate team of dentists at Gillis Dental are proud to offer root canal therapy and a number of other restorative treatments in our modern, comfortable dental office. If you have questions about what to expect from any dental procedure, our team is ready to answer your questions. Contact us at 781-202-6357.