When your dentist informs you that you need root canal therapy, you might be hesitant at first. Perhaps you are a bit fearful of the procedure, or maybe you question whether it is truly necessary. Some people postpone care due to concerns about cost. Whatever the reason, putting off the procedure is not in your best interests. What happens if you delay root canal treatment? This blog post discusses a few possibilities.
Pain and Discomfort
It is important to remember that teeth are incapable of healing themselves. Therefore, if your dentist recommends that you get a root canal because a tooth is broken or otherwise damaged, you should not expect the issue to resolve on its own. Rather, the situation is likely to progressively worsen over time. Even if your tooth is not causing you much pain right now, you could become the victim of a severe toothache if you do not accept prompt treatment.
Often, root canal therapy is able to preserve the function of a damaged tooth. However, it is not a miraculous treatment. If the state of the tooth is bad enough, restorative care would be inadequate to save it. If your dentist recommends that you get a root canal, therefore, you should book your appointment as soon as possible. Unnecessary delays could cause you to lose the tooth altogether.
It is also worth noting that replacing a lost tooth can cost quite a bit of money. Preserving the tooth with a root canal is a smart financial decision.
Systemic Illness
When an infection invades the innermost layer of a tooth (its pulp), it has easy access to blood vessels that could carry it throughout the rest of the body. Some people have suffered serious systemic illness due to an untreated tooth infection. In fact, a number have even died because they did not get a root canal when it could have stopped the infection before it caused serious harm.
Also, keep in mind that antibiotics alone cannot get rid of a serious tooth infection. Removing the infected tissue during root canal therapy may be the only way to protect yourself.
How Long Can You Wait to Get a Root Canal?
If your dentist urges you to undergo root canal therapy, you should book an appointment within a few days — or a few weeks at the most. Some patients have postponed treatment for longer than that and have faced serious consequences for their oral and overall health.
If you are reluctant due to concerns about money or fear of discomfort, let your dental team know. They can walk you through your financial options and answer your questions about what you will feel during and after your procedure. The entire experience is much easier than most people anticipate!
Meet the Practice
The Gillis Dental team is proud to offer gentle root canal therapy and a range of other restorative services in our inviting, modern dental office. If you suspect that you require treatment, we are ready to evaluate the situation and perform necessary procedures as soon as possible. Contact our office at 781-202-6357.