Numerous challenges come with the loss of multiple teeth. You may find that your facial aesthetics suffer, and it may be difficult for you to chew your favorite foods. It is even possible that your self-confidence may not be what it once was. Fortunately, modern dentistry can help you to regain a complete and functional smile. Here at Gillis Dental, we are proud to offer both traditional and implant dentures in Needham. Contact us today to learn more about your tooth replacement options.
Dentures are a suitable treatment option for many people who have suffered the loss of multiple teeth. During your consultation, we will evaluate your oral health before we make any treatment recommendations. If dentures are not right for you at this time, you may become a candidate for them after some preliminary care. Or, we might suggest that you receive an alternative form of tooth replacement. You can expect us to do everything within our power to help you rebuild a confident and functional smile.
Missing teeth can be the result of genetics, accidents, gum disease, certain lifestyle factors, and more. Regardless of why you have an incomplete smile, your condition may cause a number of problems in your daily life.
For example, you may feel self-conscious about your appearance. As a result, you might shy away from social interactions and experience feelings of loneliness. You may also find it difficult to enjoy a wide variety of foods, which can adversely affect both your nutrition and your mental wellness. Sagging, hollow-looking cheeks may convey the impression that you are much older than you really are.
The good news is that dentures can help with such issues and lead to an improved quality of life.
A new denture may be right for you if:
If dentures are not quite right for you at this time, we might recommend a different tooth replacement option, such as:
When you visit your dentist in Needham for a consultation, we will evaluate your needs and learn about your preferences. Then, we will be able to recommend the type of denture that best fits your circumstances. We are proud to offer partial dentures, full dentures, and implant dentures.
If you are missing multiple teeth but your remaining natural ones are still relatively healthy, a partial denture can fill in the empty spaces. It is sort of like a puzzle piece that fits in exactly where it is needed. Most partial dentures consist of an acrylic base, artificial teeth, and small attachments (made of metal or acrylic) to help the prosthetic remain secure during eating and speaking.
A full denture is designed to replace an entire arch of lost teeth. It remains secure in the mouth with the help of natural suction, though some patients use a mild adhesive for extra security. We carefully design dentures so they rest as comfortably as possible on the gums, and we can periodically adjust your prosthetic so it continues to fit well for several years.
Implant dentures are anchored in the jawbone by a number of prosthetic tooth roots (dental implants). They tend to be much more secure than traditional forms of tooth replacement. They can also prevent jawbone deterioration and have the potential to last for 10 years or longer. Many patients who are frustrated with their regular dentures choose to upgrade to implant dentures.
Tooth loss can turn everyday tasks into huge challenges. For example, you might find it difficult to eat your favorite foods, smile with confidence, and speak clearly. The good news is that dentures can reduce or even eliminate many of the problems that come with missing teeth. They are a convenient and cost-effective way to replace lost dentition! Would you like to learn more about how dentures may be able to enhance your quality of life? Continue reading below.
Tooth loss has the potential to profoundly affect your mental health. For example, as an edentulous (missing all teeth) person, you may hesitate to engage in social interactions due to feelings of self-consciousness. You may not want people to notice your toothless smile or the other aesthetic consequences of tooth loss. You could also be reluctant to eat in social settings due to the dietary limitations that come with poor oral health.
Dentures can give you a beautiful, functional, and confident smile that allows you to enjoy meaningful and beneficial quality time with loved ones. You might even choose to explore the dating scene!
Clear speech occurs when multiple structures, including the teeth and tongue, interact with one another. Without teeth, it may be challenging for you to enunciate certain sounds.
When you first get dentures, you might develop a slight lisp. However, with a bit of time and practice, you should find it easy to speak clearly and confidently. Ultimately, you can expect your speaking ability to be better than it was before you got your prosthetic.
Missing teeth can make it difficult to consume a balanced and tasty diet. You might gravitate toward soft foods, including those that have limited nutritional value. Dentures have the potential to allow you to eat a wide variety of foods. Once you adapt to eating with them, you may be able to enjoy virtually anything, including fresh fruits and veggies, a variety of meats, and more. As a result of your improved diet, your overall wellness may improve.
If you still have some of your natural teeth, dentures may benefit you in at least two ways:
Sadly, poor oral health may limit your career opportunities. Missing teeth or other obvious oral health problems could adversely affect the way others perceive you. In contrast, a full set of attractive teeth may convey the impression that you are youthful, successful, and approachable. Therefore, you may find it easier to reach your goals in the workplace, whether you want to start a new job, score a promotion, or simply excel in your current position.
Our Needham team is eager to help you rebuild a complete and confident smile with dentures! Before you move forward with treatment, though, you may be eager to learn as much about the road ahead as possible. Below, you will find answers to some frequently asked questions. If your specific questions are not included here, give us a call. We will be happy to speak with you!
The average wait time between extractions and dentures is 6 – 8 weeks. This period gives your gums time to heal after tooth removal.
Of course, the timeline can vary significantly depending on circumstances. Some patients choose to get immediate dentures, which are created prior to extractions and can be worn right away. However, they tend not to last as long due to the changes in gum shape that occur after the natural teeth are removed.
If you are getting implant dentures, you may have to wait several months between extractions and the arrival of your new teeth. This allows your implants plenty of time to integrate with your jawbone. However, if you are getting All-on-4 dentures, you may receive a provisional set of teeth on the same day as your extractions.
Whenever it is reasonable to do so, we strive to preserve our patients’ natural teeth. Therefore, if you still have some teeth that are healthy or minimally damaged, we may repair them rather than replace them. A partial denture can be placed around them to fill in gaps in your smile.
However, if your remaining natural teeth are badly damaged, we may determine that removing them is the best course of action. Afterward, you may choose to get a full denture.
When you first get your dentures, we may advise you to wear them for 24 hours straight. After that, however, it would be best to remove them each night at bedtime and start wearing them again in the morning.
Removing your dentures each night gives your gums a chance to rest. It also provides you with the opportunity to thoroughly clean both your prosthetic and your mouth. You can therefore minimize your risk of issues like infections, bad breath, and painful denture sores.
If you would like to be able to wear your dentures 24/7, ask us if you are a candidate for fixed implant dentures.
Tooth loss is more common among older individuals. For example, according to one statistic, around 2/3 of adults ages 40 – 64 are missing at least one tooth, compared to just 33% of adults between 20 and 39 years of age. The American Dental Association conducted a census that found 57% of individuals ages 65 – 74 wear some type of denture.
Of course, some young people face circumstances that lead to tooth loss. Dentures may be suitable for adults of virtually any age.